Passport Demand Study

Posted on September 29, 2022.

Each month, Passport Services sends letters to a random sample of recipients asking them to complete a survey to determine demand for U.S. passports. This survey, which is conducted on our behalf by two companies, is voluntary. Your input helps us estimate demand for U.S. passports. Your responses also provide important feedback that we use to improve our customer service and develop new products. If you received a request to participate in the study, you can reply online or over the phone.

Learn More about the Survey

If you have questions or concerns about the survey, please email us at [email protected]. For more information, please visit the Passport Demand Study's official Federal Register page.

Sample Version of Survey Letter

You can also see a sample version of the letter which we send to random recipients asking them to complete the survey. Note: The phone number in the letter you receive may be different than the one in this sample version.

Dear Household or Current Resident,

The Office of Passport Services, U.S. Department of State would like to better serve the American public’s need for passport services in the coming months and years.

To do this we are conducting interviews with Americans ages 18 and older.

Whether you/your household require passport services or not, your participation in this study can help our offices to improve customer service, allocate sufficient personnel, develop new products, and plan for what citizens require of our office.

Your household was selected at random. In order for the results to be statistically representative, it is important a person who is knowledgeable about the travel habits of your household complete the interview.

Your participation, while voluntary, will be essential to the success of the study. This study is estimated to take less than 10 minutes of your time and there are 2 easy ways for you to participate.

Please do one of the following before xx/xx/xxxx:

1) Go to to complete the interview online. Please enter the passcode XXXXXXX to enter the online interview. 

OR 2) Call this toll-free number to be interviewed by phone: 1-8XX-XXX-XXXX. Please have your passcode XXXXXXX available when you call. We will give you a call if we don’t hear from you. If you prefer not to participate, you may let us know that when we call.

Additional information can be found at, or in the Federal Register under the OMB control #1405-0177, expiration date xx/xx/xxxx, at The estimated burden is 10 minutes. If you have comments regarding the interview length or content, please email [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important study!

Office of Passport Services, U.S. Department of State


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